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ASME Remote Control Baja Car:

Suspension and Steering Systems

The purpose of this project is to design and build a suspension, and steering system for a new CWU mini-Baja RC car that can race in the 2016 ASME Radio Controlled Baja Car Contest, and fill all of the mandatory requirements of the contest. My partner Jason Moore will be designing the drive systems and we will collaborate on final assembly.


The suspension must be able to withstand the rigors of the competition’s course by supporting the vehicle without bottoming out and absorb shock sufficiently enough to prevent damage to any parts of vehicle. The steering must operate in a predictable manner and turn the vehicle in a fairly small radius so it will be easy to steer through complex obstacles and terrain.



The scope of this project is to design/build  and optimize the suspension and steering system for a 1/10th scale RC Baja car that will comply with all ASME R/C Baja rules and can complete the completion without any catastrophic failure that would prevent the vehicle from finishing the competition. The current chassis pan and some components of the suspension and steering systems will be used, all other parts will be manufactured or purchased. The drive train of the car will be designed by my partner (Jason Moore), and finally assembly and completion will be completed by the both of us.


The criteria for the car to be successful is that the vehicle will be capable of competing in the 2015-16 ASME Baja in all events. The vehicle must race without falling apart, breaking or any other type of catastrophic failure that would prevent it from finishing the competition. Success will be achieved when the vehicle has competed in all events and is still in operating condition.

Report (Still under construction)

Here is the current (still under construction copy of the engineering report entailing my project.

MEC Senior Project Report
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